Wild Blackberry Rubus plicatus

Wild Blackberry Rubus plicatus


Posted 2014-12-27 by atleafollow

Name: Wild Blackberry (Rubus plicatus)

Description: The blackberry is a perennial plant native to large parts of Europe as well as parts of Asia and Africa. It is a densely growing plant with thorn-ridden stems which make it rather difficult to maneuver through. This species is a wild version of the many domesticated varieties commonly grown for its fruit.

Size: R. plicatus will grow rapidly in its first year after germination, often developing a creeping stem up to 6 - 9 metres in length. During the second year growth slows down as flowers start to form.

A trained and domesticated R.plicatus with a grapevine intermingling.

Conditions: The wild blackberry is an extremely hardy plant, tolerant of very poor soils and therefore often found in abandoned lots and open grassy areas.

Blackberries basking in the sunlight.

Propagation: R. plicatus propagates via seed as well as domestically through grafting.

Detail of flowers.

When to plant: In warm regions this plant can be grown all year around. If you live in a colder climate, planting around mid-spring is recommended.

258209 - 2023-07-20 01:18:27


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